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Community Focus FCU Annual Meeting

The 63rd Community Focus Federal Credit Union Annual Meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 16, 2025 at the CFFCU office located at 18925 Telegraph Road in Brownstown. The meeting will start at 5:15 p.m. and will consist of the business meeting, followed by the election of the board officers. 

The following incumbent Director has been nominated for election by the Nominating Committee for a 3 year term:

Justin Kizy

There will be no nominations from the floor. Election results will be announced at the Annual Meeting. 

Members wishing to run for a seat on the Community Focus Federal Credit Union’s Board of Directors must submit a biography and a resume on or before March 8, 2025 to the following address:

Nominating Committee
Community Focus Federal Credit Union 
18925 Telegraph Road
Brownstown, MI 48174

Nominations must also include qualifications and biographical data of the nominee.  Minimum qualifications include:

•    A member or joint owner in good standing with Community Focus Federal Credit Union 
•    At least 21 years old and an active user of services provided by Community Focus Federal Credit Union
•    Able and willing to serve the membership by giving the time necessary to perform the duties of the board
•    Act in the best interest of the Community Focus Federal Credit Union membership at all times
•    Election results will be announced at the Annual Meeting. 

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